Acupuncture has been practiced for several thousand years and is a common way to treat acute and chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, infertility, and many other symptoms and disorders.
Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process can help with psychological healing. As an individual draws, paints, or sculpts, our skilled therapists use their client’s work of art to help them gain personal insight, cope with stress, anxiety, and depression, improve emotional regulation, and work through traumatic experiences.
Craniosacral Therapy is a gentle hands-on treatment that can provide relief from a variety of emotional and physical symptoms, including headaches, neck pain, and many others. Relieving tension in the central nervous system promotes a feeling of well-being by eliminating pain and boosting health and immunity.
Energy is your life force; it’s what makes you feel alive! Energy healing works with the energy fields that organize and control the growth and repair of the cells, tissue, and organs within the body and mind.
Undergoing ADHD testing or psychological evaluation with an experienced licensed clinician can increase the accuracy of a diagnosis and help explain an individual’s current level of functioning. The process also allows an individual or family to identify strengths and areas of needed support, as well as implement a more useful treatment plan.
Serenity Cove offers a calm, peaceful place to enjoy a quick getaway with all the amenities you need to enjoy your stay. Come alone, as a couple, or bring your entire family to relax or join one of our intensive therapy retreats led by Susan McCormick, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and owner of the Wellness Connection LLC. These retreats are meant to help heal old traumas or reconnect to relationships that have been injured in some way or another.