Acupuncture is a common way to treat acute and chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, infertility, and many other symptoms and disorders. This practice reduces inflammation, regulates spiritual, emotional, and physical balance, and improves energy and overall well-being.
Practiced for several thousand years in Asia, acupuncture is the stimulation of points on the body with fine, flexible, sterile needles. Vital energy, or qi (“chee”), flows along an intricate system of energy pathways in each living body. An acupuncturist will check the movement of qi in each patient’s body and adjust its flow during treatment sessions to encourage a patient’s own body to learn how to balance and regulate itself. Along these pathways lie the points that are traditionally needled, heated, or massaged to improve our comfort and health.
Life’s challenges can sometimes cause imbalance and hinder the body’s natural ability to heal, causing discomfort, pain, and other internal disorders.
Inserting very thin needles into the skin at strategic points on the body will unblock that energy, allowing it to flow freely and restore balance.
Scientific research shows that acupuncture can offer numerous benefits. This practice is one of the most viable and effective alternative methods for healing.
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
The World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine as effective in treating people of all ages from infants to older adults for a wide range of common illnesses and symptoms.
Acute and chronic pain
Autoimmune conditions
Bell’s Palsy
Blood pressure regulation
Cervical spondylosis
Chemotherapy side effects
Common colds/flu
Crohn’s disease
Gastritis (acute and chronic)
GERD (acid reflux)
Gout Biliary and Renal Colic
Immune system stimulation
Induction of Labor
Infertility (male and female)
Labor Pain/Reduction in Duration of Labor
Lactation Stimulation
Low back pain / Sciatica
Lyme Disease
Muscle/facial spasms
Peptic Ulcer
Primary Dysmenorrhea
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Plantar Fasciitis
Post-operative pain
Regulating hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis
Restricted joint motion
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Sequelae of stroke
Shoulder pain
Smoking cessation
Spinal stenosis/bulging discs
Sports Injuries
Traumatic pain
Ulcerative colitis
Alternative Holistic Treatments
Acupuncture Facelift
A natural collagen-builder, improves skin texture, adds a natural glow, and helps make the skin look younger, smoother, and healthier.
Cupping Therapy
Suction cup technique that increases blood circulation, relieves muscle tension, improves immune functioning, and promotes cell repair and connective tissue growth.
Herbal Supplements
Certain supplements can improve overall health and help manage various health conditions, ease pain, or aid in relaxation.